Source The space industry in particular has many companies that earn zero revenue and our still in R&D phase, making them less valuable to…
Transcript Overall CGEN's ongoing studies are reporting safety metrics. Efficacy is still a question. Platform A quick note about their…
Market Research from ATKearney How Will Cultured Meat and Meat Alternatives Disrupt the Agricultural and Food Industry? Cultured meat is…
Varun Mathur has a great thread about Amazon Bezos had full confidence in himself, what he was doing, and made very deliberate decisions…
China recently approved the Nvidia & Mellanox merger, removing the last major hurdle so that Nvidia was finally able to complete the…
The fallout of the economic shutdown The pandemic response arguably could represent liberal values at their best. Government, guided by…
We touched on this briefly in our Coronavirus Endgames post. Our solution to Coronavirus thus far includes the unemployment of at least 1…
Ever since the original Rails Tutorial we've needed git checkout to be aliased as git co. We run that command so often the saved keystrokes…
This time Christopher Balding explains the inconsistencies in testing, diagnoses and how that incorrectly informs our policy response If we…
New York Times's Debatable Newsletter has a great summary of the differing opinions on how to fight Coronavirus This primarily centers…
These are the current expert forecasts from Good Judgment for the Coronavirus pandemic How many total cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. will be…
A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data Some questions we don't have…
Right now we are saving lives at the cost of our economic health. Obviously that makes sense on a human level. But what is the cost of…
Alex Tabarrok with an epic takedown against 'Bullshit Patents' Despite never having built a working product, Theranos accumulated hundreds…
The full article is here. Key takeaways: Just like I said the other day the CDC had NO sufficient testing for Coronavirus in particular. No…
The Threat of Pandemic Influenza: Are We Ready? Workshop Summary. Scientifically we are better prepared; however the connected globe creates…
What is our likelihood of massive unrest? Young people don't seem to get sick In a display of juvenile gallows humor, the hashtag…
CDC's Unexplained Respiratory Disease Outbreak Guidance Provide's sensible guidance for HOW to investigate "Unexplained Respiratory Disease…
nano ~/.abcde.conf
Audio on Linux abcde good abcde settings
Crisis Management in the year 2020, cont'd Astros Fallout: 'Another day, another detail.' This is what this entire spring has been like, the…
A great, simple organization of a company's earnings analysis CNBC's recap of EBITDA earnings vs 'bulls--t earnings' per Charlie Munger
Nice, concise productivity tips from BJ Fogg After I sit down at my desk, I will put my phone on do not disturb mode. After I close my…
Regulation killed BBC's attempt to rival Netflix "The birth of the iPlayer itself had been difficult, according to a source present at the…
Happy Valentine's Day Nvidia's Q4 2020 Earnings Call Collette's Comments Esports continues to amaze "The global phenomenon of esports keeps…
Crisis Management in the year 2020 From Chernobyl to the Coronavirus Paraphrasing: The Soviets & the CCP are both hiding critical details…
Decadence, Stagnation & Innovation Peter Thiel reviews 'The Decadent Society: How We Became the Victims of Our Own Success' Our society has…
Abiomed's Q3 2020 Earnings Call Is ABMD fighting against the "5 stages of grief / innovation acceptance"?. If so this could be only stage…
All things productivity today: Marc Andreesen's Guide to Productivity "Don't keep a schedule... Always work on whatever is most important or…
This post needs to be developed further: Great ideas from podcast notes Interesting ideas from a new podcast, The Portal I hadn't heard…
This fantastic git housekeeping tutorial really encompasses everything you need. There is even a fantastic bin script for automating that…
lots of device support every time you plug in a device type to xcode you get a duplicate /Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport was…
Deploying: Github pages: ~~We used the method detailed within Jared Nielsen's blog. The only change we made was that we deploy to the gh…
Kick off your project with this default boilerplate. This starter ships with the main Gatsby configuration files you might need to get up…
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